The Perttilahti deposit is a classic Outokumpu style deposit located on the main mineralised trend of Keretti-Vuonos-Perttilahti-Kylylahti. It is located some 10km south-west of Kylylahti.
Mineralisation is drilled on 500m spacings over 1.5km. It is generally thin (2-10m) and 50m wide. It occurs at depths of 500m. The published Resource Historic Estimate is not compliant with the JORC Code and is classed as an exploration target (Table 2 and 10). Grades are excellent (2.15% copper, 1.9% zinc) and the deposit has not been drilled for 25 years.
Riihilahti is a small deposit west of Outokumpu and will be investigated during 2010.
The Kokka nickel deposit is 10km north-east of the Luikonlahti plant and was drilled by Outokumpu Oy and Malmikaivos Oy from 1958 to 1985 for 97 holes. Verification drilling by Belvedere in 2008 confirmed the previous work. Altona Mining does not regard the historic Resource Estimate (Tables 2 and 10) as JORC standard and has classified as an exploration target.