Kylylahti deposit is located near the town of Polvijärvi in Eastern Finland, some 20 kilometres from the town of Outokumpu. Polvijärvi is some 400 kilometres north-east of the capital Helsinki and is accessible via a 40 minute flight to nearby Joensuu. Infrastructure and labour supply in the area are excellent.
A definitive feasibility study on the 100% owned Kylylahti Copper Project was completed in April 2008. The Definitive Feasibility Study was managed by SNC-Lavalin Australia Pty Ltd and was subject to review and optimisation prior to release. The acquisition of Luikonlahti Mill has changed the project significantly since the completion of DFS in 2008 decreasing the amount of infrastructure required at Kylylahti. The study is currently being updated and is expected to be completed during second quarter of 2010.
The orebody and required infrastructure will lie within a granted mining lease and the project is fully permitted. A number of claims are also held for exploration potential. The mining lease to the north of Kylylahti which holds the shallow extension is held by Mondo Minerals and Vulcan has acquired the base metal rights within this lease.
Kylylahti 3D model and drill hole |