ASX Announcements 2010
Response to ASX on Share Price Increase | 23-09-10 |
Appendix 3B | 22-09-10 |
2010 Annual Report | 21-09-10 |
Site Preparation Commences in Finland | 17-09-10 |
Appencix 3B | 15-09-10 |
Xstrata Commences Drilling at Roseby | 09-09-10 |
Altona to Divest Non-Core Assets to Unlock Shareholder Value | 23-08-10 |
Appedix 3B | 19-08-10 |
New ASX Symbol (ASX: AOH) | 11-08-10 |
Universal Name Changed to Altona Mining Limited | 06-08-10 |
Appointment of Chief Operating Officer - Dr Iain Scott | 03-08-10 |
Diggers & Dealers 2010 Presentation | 02-08-10 |
Outokumpu Copper Project to Proceed | 02-08-10 |
Trading Halt | 29-07-10 |
Resource Update for the Kylylahti Deposit | 23-07-10 |
Notice of Meeting - 6 August 2010 | 02-07-10 |
Proxy for Generel Meeting - 6 August 2010 | 02-07-10 |
Finnish Government Grants $3.2M to Universal's Copper Project | 29-06-10 |
Copper Mine Feasibility Nears Completion in Finland | 18-06-10 |
Strategy Update Post Merger | 10-05-10 |
Presentation to RIU Sydney Resources Round-up | 07-05-10 |
Appointment of Company Secretary | 07-05-10 |
Increased Valuation for Outokumpu Project | 06-04-10 |
Appointment of Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer | 01-04-10 |
235m at 0.45% Copper at Roseby | 24-03-10 |
Presentation to the Australian Copper Conference | 23-03-10 |
Report for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2009 | 16-03-10 |
Land Purchase and Outokumpu Project Update | 10-03-10 |
Notice of Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder | 25-02-10 |
Appendix 3Z - Final Directors Interest Notice | 23-02-10 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice | 23-02-10 |
Appendix 3X - Initial Directors Interest Notice | 23-02-10 |
Merger with Vulcan Resources Completed, Universal to be Renamed Altona Mining | 22/02/10 |
Combined Scheme & Consolidation Timetable | 05/02/10 |
Quarterly Report: December 2009 Quarterly Report | 29/01/10 |
Quamby Gold Mine Sampling Results | 12/01/10 |
5Mtpa DFS Executive Summary | 11/01/10 |